Software blog with announcements about Spacejock Software

Sunday, December 10, 2006

yWriter 3 and FCharts updates

yWriter 3 is coming along nicely - I used it to write my 50,000 word NanoWrimo 'half' novel in November, without any problems. I'm happy to report that yWriter2 made it onto the Pricelessware 2007 list of best software.

The latest FCharts test version includes a new zoom method (click and drag a ruler over the bars you want to see in the zoomed chart), and this is proving much easier than the old cntrl+shift+click twice method. As a bonus I'll shortly be including this zoom in the SE version.

yMail has a new, completely rewritten SMTP sending routine which is up to 100 times faster than before. It also works simultaneously with receiving, which is nice. This feature will be in the next release - I'd upload it now but I still have some testing to do with SMTP AUTH sessions.